I have so far for this account hired 2 people in marketing claiming to be experts on Klaviyo marketing. The first sent out a campaign sucessfuly to about 200 profiles. I later hire a new person who sent out to now over 500 profiles. To check to see how it went it says all 514 emails were skipped. The marketing person wants to get paid. i dont want to pay untill emails are sent out. Since most of the 500 are new emails., it cant be the smart sending time limit since most profiles have never been sent out to before. most are first time recipients. Secondly i notice there are 20 suppressed emails it say out of 1500 profiles. I then choose delete all supressed profiles. It returns error on deleting. Then I go into each and every list i have and ask to see suppressed profiles. When I go one by one and do this in all lists, each list returns there are no supressed profiles. But still the dashboard inssits there are 20 suppressed. I can find any in the lists. I dont use the Klaviyo since these 2 marketing people that I hired then do. They are the one asking me to sign up for Klaviyo. I just signed up and they do the work. So I have nt done any tweaking of any settings. The marking people say I need to get support for the skipped emails. Why is Klaviyo skipping all 514 emails that were sent out (new emails)? Why is there and error of not being able to delete suppressed profiles? Seems nothing in klaviyou works.