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Profile is unsubscribed for (seemingly) no reason

  • 3 July 2024
  • 1 reply


I’ve got an interesting one for you all. Yesterday, a new customer subscribed via a form on our website. They received their welcome email as expected and opened it. About 3 hours later they were unsubscribed due to User Suppressed. While I do suppress users regularly, I did not suppress this one (timestamp is after I left for the day), and I am the only person at my company that has access to our Klaviyo account. My only thought is that Klaviyo somehow knows it is a suspicious email and saved me the trouble. Any other ideas?

Subscription & Unsubscribe details


Profile events - no unsubscribe link clicked


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +30

Hi @JessFosnough 

Thank you for posting your question in the community. 

Generally, Klaviyo does a great job of tracking contact activity to make it clear how/why a contact is no longer subscribed. However, in your case, it is a little unclear given the unsubscribe detail is simply user unsubscribed and there is no unsubscribe event in the metrics.

That said, there is always a possibility that the feedback loop for this user is limited and while Klaviyo typically does track those behaviors, for some reason, they were only allowed to track the user initiated unsubscribe. 

I don’t believe Klaviyo will auto unsubscribe an address if it is suspicious, but will rather skip the email in the campaign send. 

I am curious to see what other Klaviyo Champions might think here. @retention @ebusiness pros @KatherineB @Bobi N. @Bobby 


@In the Inbox 
