My segments numbers are not adding up, please help. I used RFM model, and below are the metrics:( I only use Rencecy and frequency).
-- R: In the last 14 days, if a user has done either of viewed product/clicked email/active on site at least once then it means 「close}; if outside of 14 days, a user has done either of viewed product/clicked email/active on site at least once it means 「far」
F: if a user has done either of viewed product/clicked email/active on site greater than 1 then it means 「high}; if a user has done either of viewed product/clicked email/active on site less than 2 then it means 「Low};
-- Then we have 5 segments:
Potential Sum ( anyone has done either of viewed product/clicked email/active on site at least once over all time and hasn’t purchased)
Potential High (R is close, F is high)
Potential medium (R is close, F is low):
Potential Low (R is far, F is high):
Potential Low (R is far, F is low):
For some reasons, the potential sum somehow doesn’t equal the rest four combined. Can someone take a look and help me out please. Also can you give me some suggestions
Keep in mind whenever you use “OR” the user only needs to meet one of the conditions separated by “OR” in order to qualify for that portion of the segment definition. As a result you’ll have users overlap between segments (i.e. a user exist in more than one segment) which is why the numbers won’t necessarily add up to the sum segment. Let’s take your last segment for example, “Clicked email zero times in the last 14 days OR Viewed Product zero times in the last 14 days OR Active on Site zero times in the last 40 days”. Using “OR” separators, if the user clicked email zero times, they now “meet” that portion of the definition. They could have viewed product 1,2,3 or 4+ times and they’ll still qualify for the segment definition as long as they meet the other criteria. This is to say, for any segment criteria you want to be “required” i.e. clicked once and viewed product once you need to use “AND” between segment criteria. This ensures the user meets all of the criteria separated by “AND”. I recommend reviewing any “OR” separators with that theory in mind. This will likely resolve your concerns. Here is our guide on “AND” vs “OR” as well.
Keep in mind whenever you use “OR” the user only needs to meet one of the conditions separated by “OR” in order to qualify for that portion of the segment definition. As a result you’ll have users overlap between segments (i.e. a user exist in more than one segment) which is why the numbers won’t necessarily add up to the sum segment. Let’s take your last segment for example, “Clicked email zero times in the last 14 days OR Viewed Product zero times in the last 14 days OR Active on Site zero times in the last 40 days”. Using “OR” separators, if the user clicked email zero times, they now “meet” that portion of the definition. They could have viewed product 1,2,3 or 4+ times and they’ll still qualify for the segment definition as long as they meet the other criteria. This is to say, for any segment criteria you want to be “required” i.e. clicked once and viewed product once you need to use “AND” between segment criteria. This ensures the user meets all of the criteria separated by “AND”. I recommend reviewing any “OR” separators with that theory in mind. This will likely resolve your concerns. Here is our guide on “AND” vs “OR” as well.