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Report that shows the number of emails before someone converts

  • 12 January 2021
  • 3 replies

I’d like to run a report which show me the number of times I have to email a new subscriber in order for them to make a first purchase?

Is this possble in customer reports?

Any help is very much appreciated!




Hey @sarahfroggatt78 and @emela.husic,

At present, Klaviyo does not offer a method to run a report to show the number of times a subscriber must be emailed in order for them to convert and make a purchase. Klaviyo does have the capability for a number of predictive analytics reports to provide for you based on your customer/subscriber activities, which you can learn more about from the Guide to Klaviyo's Predictive Analytics

Absolutely love this idea of being able to see a predictive conversion based on the number of email outreaches, though! I’ll certainly be sharing this feedback and idea with our Product and Data Science team!

Thank you both for being a part of our Klaviyo Community!


Hey David,

Any updates on this feature?
