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I have created a segment with unengaged profiles.

I have downloaded and re uploaded the csv to the supressed profiles.

However, I have two questions if anyone can help please?

  1. When I move these profiles to supressed. How do I empty the created segment, back to zero? The segment still has the profiles in it and I was sure they would return to zero after the upload.
  2. The idea for the unengaged segment is that, when profiles meet a condition they are added to this segment. I will then move them to the supressed profiles once a month. Is this how it works?


Hey @Funky2021 - I’d second what @Spark Bridge Digital LLC recommended.


One thing I’ve found is when people are sent a Sunset flow, the segment that triggers that flow is collecting unengaged profiles. So if you don’t already have a Sunset flow live and sending as a last attempt to reactivate people, I highly recommend you add that.


After you’ve had people go into your “unengaged, ready to be suppressed” segment - I’d actually wait 2 months before suppressing them. The precise period of time depends on the average turnover time for your audience, but once a month might be too frequent to suppress them. Waiting a little bit longer gives them time to be reactivated by a flow email if they place an order, for example. But generally, if someone goes through a Sunset flow, and they’re not reactivated by the end of it, they’re ready to be suppressed.


I hope this helps!


~ Gabrielle

Klaviyo Champion & Marketing Lead at ebusiness pros

Hey there!

Once you upload that segment into your Suppression Profiles area, they will now meet the conditions of ‘is suppressed’, which you could then edit your current Unengaged Segment to include ‘is NOT suppressed’ to then only filter in Unengaged contacts who have yet to be suppressed.

For best practice, it depends!  You could clean it once a month OR you could leave them as active in your Klaviyo and just make sure to apply them as an exclusion to your campaign emails. That way if someone from your unengaged does ‘re-engaged’ (maybe by purchasing) they won’t be suppressed and can then re-enter your engaged segments.

Hope that helps, lots of layers to it! Let me know if you have any questions.
