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Hi everyone ! I need your help! 
i need to send an e-mail to 200 000 people. 
i can only send my email to 10500 people at the time. 

so I have to create segments with only 10500 persons. 

how can I Do that with my huge list? 

i went to « create a segment » than « if someone is in the list » and dates added. 

thanks in advance for you help!! 

Hey there @Florapirana!

Welcome to the Community and I hope you find everything you need while you look around here!

At this time we do not have a function that can split a list into even segments in this way.  Your best option would be to export the list to a CSV file, split it yourself outside of Klaviyo, and re-import each smaller sub-list as its own new list in your account.  As segmenting is based on profile properties and customer behaviors, this unfortunately will not be possible with segmenting.  These articles will help with this process if you need assistance with exporting and importing.

How to Export a List or Segment to a CSV File
How to Create and Add Contacts to a New List


Thank you and have a good day!

Hi @Florapirana 

You can also try segmenting using parameters such as country if you have a multinational list, or the letter that the profile’s email starts with. These are arbitrary and you may need to play around with the ranges. for example, you may have more customers with emails starting with a, b, or c than you do x, y, or z. If you segment by starting character, remember that emails can also start with numbers and create a segment to account for that as well. You can learn more about our segment conditions here. Typically we strongly recommend segmenting based on customer behavior and engagement, but understand that during Black Friday you may want to reach a wider audience.

With a list of your size however, you’re looking at possibly 19 segments per campaign any time you send to the full list. You may want to consider upgraded your plan during the time you plan to send at this higher volume. You can always downgrade your plan when you this period of higher sending is over. 
