
Some emails found in segments are not found in primary list.

  • 1 November 2021
  • 1 reply

Badge +2

We recently sent out a campaign using the Subscriber list, but did not receive an email from the campaign.

Our account is comprised of one Subscriber list, a SMS list (which contains zero emails) and several segments. After downloading CSV files of all lists and segments, I discovered that the names of the owners of the business and several other email addresses could not be found in the Subscriber list (primary list for the account), but could be found in several segments.

I thought this was strange, since it is my understanding that segments are dynamically generated from the source list.

At this point, I have two questions. 1) How do I add the missing names found in the segments to the primary Subscriber list and 2) How do I verify that the emails that I want to add to the primary list are not suppressed (ie. unsubsribed, etc.)?

Does anybody have any ideas?


Best answer by stephen.trumble 1 November 2021, 19:37

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Userlevel 7
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Hey @ishiiboy 

Thank you for the follow up questions about your newsletter list and your campaign emails.

I believe that @retention and myself may have answered these questions in your previous post here:

Please let us know if you have further questions to your post!
