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When a contact responds to an email with a SPAM statement, does Klaviyo automatically assign that person to an exclusion list so they won't get future emails and hence reduce my SPAM rate, or do I have to do that manually or ????

Many thanks

Hi @MichaelGroves


Happy to shed more insight on this!


When someone makes a Spam Complaint, they are not automatically a suppressed profile. However, if you wish to manually Suppress anyone who makes a Spam Complaint, you can make a Segment with the following Conditions: 


What someone has done or not done > Spam Complaint at least once over all time


Whether someone is or is not Suppressed > Person is not Suppressed


You can then Bulk Suppress this Segment on a whatever regularity you see fit! I would recommend keeping an eye on your spam complaint rates and consider our documentation on how to decrease these complaints and invest in tools to further identify what might be the cause..


Finally, I’d recommend checking out these helpful threads to gain more insight on spam complaints. 


Thanks for participating in the Community!


Many thanks for this advice.  I created the list and found that all of the people who marked an email as Spam are actually suppressed - in other words, I got zero for the “Are not Suppressed” and a significant number of “Are Suppressed”.  Many thanks again,  Michael
