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Update the values of a custom property

  • 19 July 2024
  • 3 replies

Hello there,

I am sorry for this easy question, but I don’t know how to do it.

I created a “Language” as profile custom property. When I created it I defined four languages: EN, ES, FR, IT and N/A. I have a flow to assign a language based on the country of the client.

Well, now I want to add one language more: DE, How can add this new value to the custom property “language”? Where can I update the values?

Thank you!


Hey @mrosique 

I would create a segment with the definition » properties about someone» Language » is set 

Trigger a flow with this segment and assign/create a new property (language you want to assign) and turn the flow live.


I hope this helps,

Hi @ArpitBanjara ! Thank you.

Thanks to your suggestion I had a idea and I did the following: I import a new profile with only two columns, the Email and Languages, in Languages I put the new variable DE, so when I imported the new profile… Voilá! the new language was included like a new value of this custom profile.

Thank you so much, great Klaviyo community.



Yes, correct, you can create new property while importing profiles to Klaviyo as well. Good work. 👍🏻
