
Updating SMS consent status via CSV upload

  • 24 November 2021
  • 1 reply

Badge +2
  • Active Contributor I
  • 10 replies

Hi all,

Is there a way to opt-out users from SMS via file upload? I have a list of opt-out requests and would prefer to not have to go to each profile in order to update their status.




Best answer by Taylor Tarpley 26 November 2021, 16:54

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Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi @Don


Thanks for sharing your question with the Community! Awesome question! 


I can see that you also asked this question to our Support team and received a solution, glad to hear it! I’m going to share out the solution to this as well with our Community so all can benefit now, and in the future. 


At this time, we do not have a tool to allow you to upload SMS suppression or opt-out status. We typically just recommend that you don't import consent for these phone numbers, as  failing to import consent is effectively the same as importing non-consent. For SMS consent to fully apply, you need express consent. This means that a subscriber must know exactly what they are opting into. Simply giving you their phone number — or email — is not enough.

If you need to bulk-remove consent, you can do so via API, as any consent removal in-app would be manual per profile.


Thanks for sharing your question in the Community!

