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So on our page not every new profiles will also accept to be in the newsletter. But I would like to see all newcomers somewhere to give them the right tags and so on. How can I filter them out? Since they are just added to segments and not a list, I’m not sure what my options are.

Hi @Fly1992, welcome back to the community!

Yes, you're correct in that in most platforms, Klaviyo will pull in all Profiles regardless of their marketing consent status.

So the easiest way to check for new Profiles in Klaviyo that are not suppressed (unsubscribed) is to create a simple Segment like this:

  • If someone can/cannot receive marketing = can receive email marketing

It might look like this:


If you just want an easy way to show all Profiles regardless if they are suppressed, you can just add an OR condition for “cannot receive” email marketing like this:

  • If someone can/cannot receive marketing = can receive email marketing
  • If someone can/cannot receive marketing = cannot receive email marketing


From those two Segments, you can see every profile in your account and do as you see fit. 

Hope this helps!

Unfortunately this doesn’t help. Since we have different custom properties I need to attach manually, I need to only select those that have joined recently. If I need to have a look at everyone that would mean 5k profiles plus.

@Fly1992 There is a “Created” property that timestamps when a profile is created. Using this combined with Accepts Marketing conditions should get you what you’re looking for.

















Let me know if that helps!

That looks like it should work. Thank you so much.

I just realised the second and third condition don’t even need to be in there.
