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Will Klaviyo clean mail list for me or I need to clean the mail list by myself?

  • 27 July 2022
  • 1 reply

Will Klaviyo clean mail list for me or I need to clean the mail list by myself?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @Voibon 

Welcome to the Klaviyo Community! So glad you came in for help with list cleaning. Happy to help.

While Klaviyo does not automatically clean your list for you, there are many aspects of list cleaning that you can automate, like setting up unengaged segments and setting up a sunsetting flow. The first article I linked above will walk you through the list cleaning process with Klaviyo but also check out these other community post that talk about list cleaning. 

Hope this helps. Thank you for being part of the Klaviyo Community!
