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Recap Discussion: [Strategy Session] Grow Your Audience Before EOFY

  • 4 June 2024
  • 5 replies

Whether you attended the live session or not, in this post you’ll find the session replay and all of the additional resources mentioned during the training. In this session, we covered: 

  • Quick growth vs. quality growth 
  • Capturing subscribers on your owned marketing channels
  • Driving growth with social proof 
  • Capturing subscribers with Facebook Ads 

After the session has ended, you will find the recording below: 


This is a high-level strategic training, and we understand you may need further guidance to execute some of these ideas. Here is a list of articles and resources that will provide more tactical step-by-step guidance:

Owned marketing resources

UGC, Reviews and Referrals

Running ads on Facebook/Instagram/Meta 

Hi @Lissy Newphry 


Thanks for today's session! I can't download the Consumer Report, the link is not working.



Hi @Lissy Newphry 


Thanks for today's session! I can't download the Consumer Report, the link is not working.




Hey Thomaz, 


Thanks for attending today’s session! Here’s the link to the landing page for you to download the report.


Don’t forget to leave your feedback on today’s session here.



Lissy Newphry

Hi @Lissy Newphry 


When I click on "Get the report" it goes to the top of the same page and it doesn't download anything. I recorded a quick loom to show the issue.


Hi @Thomaz Zanetic


Thanks for flagging this issue - It looks like the form to submit your information isn’t visible. Could you please try opening the page on another browser? I suspect it may be a browser issue. 




Thanks @Lissy Newphry seems like there's a issue with Chrome, link worked with Safari.


