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🚨Calling all Klaviyo reviews users: grow your strategy with custom questions

  • 6 December 2023
  • 0 replies
🚨Calling all Klaviyo reviews users: grow your strategy with custom questions

This just in: Klaviyo Academy dropped a new course all about reviews! 

Enroll in Improve your Klaviyo reviews strategy with custom questions and follow along at your own pace. You will learn how to build custom review questions that align with your unique brand, products, and customer-base. That way you can ask the questions you care about (e.g., how would you describe your 

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to:

  • Collect new customer data with custom review questions.
  • Segment reviewers based on their responses.
  • Split their flows into unique messaging pathways.
  • Target reviews segments with omni-channel campaigns.

Note: In order for this course to be useful, you should already have reviews set up in Klaviyo. Don’t know how to do that? Learn how to get started.

📣We want to hear from you! 📣

Let us know what custom question you’d like to ask customers, or a specific strategy you’ve employed that has worked well! 

For instance, if you’re a hair-care brand, you may want to test questions like: 

  • Do you have curly or straight hair? 
  • What other hair products are you most interested in? 
  • What is your hair length?

If you have any questions, comment below to let us know.

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