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Countdown to Cyber Weekend: 5 Key Segments to Target This Black Friday

  • 9 November 2021
  • 0 replies
Countdown to Cyber Weekend: 5 Key Segments to Target This Black Friday

Cyber Weekend is almost here! Each week leading up to BFCM, we’ll be sharing helpful tips here on the Community to make this your best BFCM yet!

This week, make sure you’re sending your messages to the right people at the right time with segmentation. We’ve put together 5 key segments that any brand can create and target this BFCM:


Send To

Segment #1: Engaged Subscribers

One of the most important groups that you’ll send to over the course of Cyber Weekend. Engaged subscribers are always excited to read your messages.

Segment #2: VIP Customers

VIP’s are customers who purchase from you recently, frequently, or at a high volume. A VIP segment can be a major driver for your BFCM promotions.

Segment #3: Last year’s BFCM buyers

Subscribers who shopped with you last BFCM are a great group of potential buyers this year as well, even if they haven’t purchased from you since.

Segment #4: Window shoppers

Window shoppers have been eyeing your products, but haven’t yet purchased. Your Cyber Weekend promotions might be just the thing they need.

Segment #5: Local customers

For brands with a retail location, keep your local customers up-to-date with any in-store deals you may offer, such as special discounts or in-store pickup.


Learn how to include these segments in your marketing strategy with our Black Friday/Cyber Monday Crash Course, as well as two key segments to exclude from your marketing.

If this year is your first Cyber Weekend, join us on November 16 for a Q&A where we cover frequently asked questions around BFCM and answer your questions live!

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