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How many emails do you typically have in your welcome flow?

  • March 11, 2021
  • 1 reply

Active Contributor I
  • Active Contributor I
  • 10 replies

Hey folks, 

How many emails do you typically include in your welcome flow, and how do you go about structuring the content and delivery of these emails?

For instance, I am working with a client who has only one welcome email that has a combination of brand introduction and product recommendations. 

I want to split it up into two or three emails spread over 10 days, with the first email giving a discount code while the second email can be more content rich, with a video from the founder and customer testimonials. 


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1 reply

Partner - Platinum

Hi @bhas,


Your 2-3 stage email over 10 days sounds spot on.


We typically setup a welcome journey based on if a customer is a prospect or existing customers. Prospects may get served a discount depending on the client to incentivise the sign up to newsletter and get them over the line for their first purchase.


You can serve different content to customers using dynamic content blocks too so if you are pretty savvy with this feature, then you don’t need to use conditional splits if this was something you wanted to explore.

You can also look at splitting by opens / non opens (reuse content for a follow up with a new subject line), or exit people out of the welcome journey if they use their discount or hide the discount if they have used it and continue to show relevant brand information only for the remainder of their journey.


Something important to keep in mind is if you want new sign ups to receive other comms out of Klav whilst they are in their “nurture” stage. Adding excludes on other emails / automations going out of Klav might ease their entry into the newsletter list and stop any immediate unsubs if they join during a particularly busy period in terms of email.


Remind customers of the discount if you have one throughout the journey and another opportunity at this stage could also be to add in a link to a preference centre “help us get to know you” capture more information about your customers to enhance your data and segmentation.


Welcome flows are the perfect opportunity to introduce a person to the brand and set the scene / expectations of what they have let themselves in for in more detail than a popup or signup form would do. So enhancing this beyond a “Thanks for signing up” email is well worth the effort.


Hope this helps!



