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Hello everyone,

I wanted to share my thoughts on the recent update to Klaviyo's 'Home' feature. In my opinion, the new design is a step back compared to the previous version. The same goes for the recently launched Dashboards.

Here are my main concerns:

  • The visual hierarchy is unclear, making it difficult to quickly identify important information.
  • The use of the full screen is not optimized, which leads to more scrolling and a less efficient user experience.
  • The font used for the numbers looks outdated and can be challenging to read.

Personally, I preferred the previous Dashboards, as now I don’t use them nearly as much (if at all) compared to the previous version.

I am interested in hearing other Klaviyo users' thoughts on this update and I’m hopeful we at least get to choose between ‘Home’ and ‘Dashboards’ versions.

Thank you.

We’re not loving it either.. It was really important for us to be able to use Klaviyo to cross check user behaviour and see what url they came from etc. I thought they would at least leave the old activity dashboard somewhere?

I prefer the old set up, as you could see a quick snapshot of overall performance and filter by month or year etc. I also find the new font a bit difficult to read.

What I like in the new set up, is the edition of extra information but wish they could incorporate it in the old dashboard style and that they had kept the filter on the performance page (instead of only 7 days, 30 days and today).

I don’t like it either. The top stats are useful, but I liked being able to look through the activity dashboard. Seems kinda half-baked to just drop that completely. 

I don’t like it. In the previous home menu, there was a window in which you could see the interaction of users with emails, any idea how to see that now?

I’m frustrated that I can’t find an “All Metrics” Activity Feed anymore.

We’re a small shop and I logged in at least several times a week to get an overview of what individual customers were doing, see if there were profiles I might need to merge, see if there were any unsubscribes, and just debug what’s going on.

I can’t seem to find it in the new Klaviyo.

Hi Guys,

@NJVasic and others here. Thanks for sharing your feedback. 

I want to point out that besides adding your feedback here I'd suggest to give feedback using the sharing button on the bottom of the page.

Even though I've had the same thoughts I've gone ahead and shared the information as well. The more feedback we give the better.

@Taylor Tarpley can you also pass this information to the right teams? 


Omar Lovert // Polaris Growth // Klaviyo Master Platinum Partner

We help with e-commerce growth through CRO, Klaviyo and CVO

I miss the “All” activity feed. Also can not choose “all” in Analytics → Metrics 😥. It was really useful to get a quick idea about the last events etc.

Thank you very much for sharing this. We have been actively collecting customer and partner feedback. It has been extremely helpful. After hearing from you, we are planning to change the recent updates to the home and dashboard experience. We will be rolling out an aggregated view of the activity feed this week. I’ll be sure to update this thread when that has gone live. 

Again, thank you very much for your feedback, we look forward to hearing more from you after the update goes live!

Agreed! the new dashboard feels like a huge step backward, its overly crowded, clunky, requires too much scrolling. And it is missing key features I used to rely on to get quick high level data points. Like not being able to filter by month or 90 days? The home dashboard now only lets you filter by today, 7 days, or 30 days. 

Incredibly disappointed with the dashboard and how it was rolled out. It should have been soft launched giving people the option to test it while still accessing the old dashboard. I find it hard to believe they didn’t A/B test this with some users and am very curious if/ how those users enjoyed the new dashboard over the old one. And ofcourse we were forced on to it the first week of the month and the first week of a new quarter when we are all trying to pull monthly and Q1 reports which just got 10X more difficult.


Thanks Chloe. It’d be great if this could be reverted/improved in the next few days.

I really miss the other dashboard, especially the feed activity, the one now only shows that someone is active on the site but not their actual movements or where they come from. This was paramount in my evaluation for being simple and accessible. I don't know if it's worth it to keep paying,

Count me among those who miss the activity feed. I’m not usually especially resistant to change, but I do take exception when that change comes with actual loss in functionality.

Thanks again everyone. I have received the update from our product team that the activity has been reverted back to how it was It is accessible from analytics>metrics>Activity feed (button in the top right). Please let me know if you have any other feedback on this!


Hi Chloe,

Thanks for getting them to bring back the old dashboard. I have noticed though that all the metrics seem to be delayed. Do you know why this might be? 

@bespokeskintechnology, I’ll follow up with the Product team - to confirm, it’s all metrics that are delayed or any in particular?


@chloe.strange will there be any updates to the new home dashboard? It’s incredibly frustrating to not be able to grab quick high level data points and not be able to filter by month or 90 days. The analytics dashboard also only allows you to view one month at a time, so even if I open two browser tabs I can’t view the April numbers next to the March numbers at the same time. When I adjust the dates on in one window the other one updates too. Yes the dashboard gives you the month over month % change, but most clients want the hard numbers. This rollout taking place during quarterly reporting is extremely poor timing.


We appreciate the feedback here. I was able to connect with the Product team to surface your feedback and learned that the timeline capabilities that you mentioned are now live. They clarified that the dashboard is now aligned to the standards for timeframe selections we see elsewhere on the reporting surfaces. Please let me know if you have any other feedback to share on this. Thank you!




The update is good, but there are still things missing from the new ‘Home’ as users above mentioned. The design is still atrocious.

I also keep failing to understand all the unnecessary white space, which is now also the case in the new ‘Settings’. Klaviyo is used on PC and PC only, scrolling is redundant. If it were useful on tablet/mobile, I’d understand the changes. But this makes no sense at all. It keeps going backward in terms of design.


I have shared your feedback with the design team as well. Thank you for sharing this!

