Recap of Doe Lashes & Octane AI AMA

  • 8 April 2021
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 6
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We had a great AMA session with Jacob Sappington @jsappington of Doe Lashes and Katie Krische of Octane AI today where we talked about the benefits of using a shop quiz, how quizzes can help you learn more about your customers, and how quizzes can help your business drive ROI. Check out the video below to hear more from Jacob, and how he determined the Shop Quiz was right strategy to drive email subscribers for Doe Lashes. 

If you missed the AMA session, we’ll include the recording of it here. There were lots of great questions that the audience asked, like:

“What were key things you were looking for when scoping out different quiz partners”

“How difficult was it to integrate quizzes with your tech stack when you were getting started?”

“What are some examples of best questions to ask for quizzes”


 Have more questions about how to use a quiz? Share them with us in the comments below! 


2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

Hi community,

Any good examples how to convince you client to test Octane AI? 

Also any good case studies what kind of data is worth collecting?

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi @Jakub,


Great question! 


I know @retention and @Willem Peeters have conversed about this previously, any thing you all have to add here?


I know that there was a previous Klaviyo podcast led by @jennifer.brisebois  about how Octane can help fight the battle of zero party data. 


These additional resources might be helpful to introduce to your client so they can learn more about the integration’s benefits and how it works with Klaviyo!


Hope this helps!


