We started collecting Birthday dates from our customers through a Klaviyo embedded form. The form uses the following profile property and date format (DD/MM/YYYY).
Link to screenshot: https://prnt.sc/1v9s54b
The format is Day/Month/Year, correct?
The profile shows the input Birthday date in the following format (DD/MM/YYYY). Link to screenshot: https://prnt.sc/1v9swmc
The customer did input their data like this: 10th of August 1994 (DD/MM/YYYY)
All fine up to here. The problem occurs when the customer enters the Birthday flow. It seems like Klaviyo uses the default US date format (MM/DD/YYYY) when adding customers into the flow, even if we used the DD/MM/YYYY in the embedded form and the profile shows it as DD/MM/YYYY.
It happened this morning, on the 8th of October (10/08/****). The customer above, whose Birthday is on the 10th of August 1994 (10/08/1994), received a birthday email because Klaviyo used the US date format and thought the Birthday was on the 8th of October.
Why is this even happening? We clearly stated in the form that the format to use is DD/MM/YYYY.
Can someone please help me understand how Klaviyo handles Date formats in combination with the Birthday flows? Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you.