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Can I Pre-Populate Signup Forms?

  • 21 October 2022
  • 3 replies

Hi!  I have a question concerning Signup Forms.  On our site we allow people to create accounts so they can comment easier, save favorites, etc.  As part of this signup they include name, e-mail and birthday.  I created a Klaviyo signup form that also collects information like name and birthday as part of personalizing messages.  Is there a way to pre-populate the Klaviyo signup form with the values I already have available when they login to my site?  Basically pre-populating some fields on the form so they don’t have to enter them again.  I have full control over my site code, so I can code whatever is needed.





Hi @JMInk,

Thanks for sharing this with us.

At this time, we do not have a signup form setting in Klaviyo that will allow you to pre-populate signup form fields with particular values. Often times, a user’s information will be cookied by their browser which will offer to pre-fill field values for them.

It would be great to hear from another community forum member who’s had success custom-coding their signup forms to assist with prefilling values. 

Thanks for being a community member.


Do you have any plans on improving this ? We had to pipe our subscriptions through another crm-provider to solve it in a way that lets marketing do this without code. 



Hello @KinGroup,

Thanks for sharing your interest and your current workaround for something like this!

Although this feedback was previously shared with our Product Team, there doesn’t appear to be any updates we can provide at this time. 

