
Duplicate Emails for Sign Up Form

  • 14 June 2022
  • 1 reply

Badge +2

We want to run a contest on our site for both existing and new customers.  If I create a sign-up form though Klaviyo will customers who already have an email and/or SMS on file still be added to the new list?  Or will they not be added because we already have an email profile for them on file?


Best answer by retention 14 June 2022, 22:25

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Userlevel 7
Badge +59

Hi @Marhardi, nice to see you here in the community.

A Profile (email subscriber) can belong into as many different Lists as you want.  But, a Profile can only belong into any one List exactly once (no duplicates). 

So in other words, if you want to create a new List just for the contest entries, you can certainly do that so that new and returning subscribers can enter your contest and be added into that List. 

However, just note, that also means new subscribers will only belong in this contest List, so you may want to move them over at the end of Contest, or create a Segment that represents profiles subscribed to your main List and now this “Contest List.”  Here’s a great Klaviyo Article that describes some best practices for running Contests (or Giveaways) with Klaviyo:

Hopefully that made sense.  
