
Editing & Translating Confirmation Email

  • 7 April 2021
  • 9 replies

Badge +2

Hi there,

just finishing the setup of my new flows sign ups etc. However, the confirmation email cannot be styled much - worse i cannot change the text to at least translate it. Why?



Best answer by tropfenkontor 7 April 2021, 18:06

View original

9 replies

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Okay, i have found a way to have it translated. In the settings page you can change the language to other languages. Still, i would like to customize this email as the branding and styling is off. Is there a way to do it?

Userlevel 7
Badge +61

Hello @tropfenkontor,

Thanks so much for sharing your question with the Community and following up on the thread with your answer.

The ability to stylize the confirmation messages is fairly limited at this time. You can use any of the tools available in the Style/Design section of the confirmation page.

Thanks and have a great day.


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Thanks, hope to see it be just as customizable as the template builder. cheers!

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Where can I modify the text under the button?



Userlevel 7
Badge +58

Hi @Zsolt,

To customize your opt-in email as well as other opt-in related pages, navigate to the list they are connected to. Next, click Subscribe & Preference Pages in the menu bar. From there you should see a button to click and edit ‘Email Confirmation’ and ‘Opt-in Confirmed.’

From here, you are able to change and customize different portions of your email that you want to send to customers. More information about editing and updating opt-in related pages can be found written in our help article

After setting up and customizing your opt-in email to your liking, once a user confirms their email with the double opt-in generated email, they will receive the first email in the flow triggered off of the list.


However,  the ability to edit this confirmation email is limited to only the sections marked by the dotted lines. Since this email pertains to one’s consent, you would not be able to edit the message at the bottom of the email, nor the button. 


Hope that helped,


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Hi Alex, 


Can’t I modify anyway?

It’s not a final version, I strongly have to modify, there are still English text.

Just can be some opportunity to modify this. 




Userlevel 7
Badge +58

Hi @Zsolt,

This can't be changed per Klaviyo's sending policy and the CAN-SPAM act. Users who have subscriptions sometimes choose to disable Double Opt-In as a workaround.


Thanks for understanding,


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Hi Alex, 


If I choose the the single opt-in, than can I modify the text?


It’s really important to change the text of DOI confirmation email.

Userlevel 7
Badge +58

Hi @Zsolt,

Unfortunately, some fields and sections of your unsubscribe and opt-in pages cannot be edited. Any section without a dotted outline cannot be changed. For example, on the Email Confirmation page, you can edit the logo, the heading, and the text field above the subscribe button. On the other hand, you can't edit the following "Confirm Your Subscription" message and the text below that.
However, you can change the language of all boilerplate language:

  1. Go to the list’s settings page
  2. Select which language will be used for the boilerplate language
  3. Confirm the boilerplate text in that list’s pages and email confirmation (if double opt-in enabled) has been automatically translated

You can change the language of the opt in pages on a list by list basis, but each list can only be set to one specific language. So what this would mean is you would need to have different lists set up, one for each language. 
This information here, has the instructions you need to change each list settings to change the opt in language section of the lists. 



