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Email Newsletter Opt In Confirmation

  • 29 April 2021
  • 4 replies

Hi Team, I’m new in the community. Thank you for welcoming me in advance.

Just wanna ask some questions as I am pretty new to the system.

1. Is there any way to create a signup form (Pop-up) and after the customer inputs their email they will receive a confirmation to verify if they want to opt in. Is there a way to not have this verification? I felt like it’s an extra step for the customer or is it necessary? I think it’s a way to know if the customer’s email is active or the customer is active with their email is that correct?

2. How can I customised that email from question no. 1 so that I can send a discount code for new customers without manually sending the emails every time? 

Thank you and sorry for noob questions Team!

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +42


Hello Carl, welcome to the community

about your first questions this is happening because of the list settings. If you change list setting this wont ask for verification. Go to your main list, than settings, than on the bottom you will see 2 options, singe opt in and double opt in. Double opt in is set to automatic on the start, you can change it to single opt in if you want. This will make people subscribers immediately after they leave their email and no confirmation email will be sent.

When it comes to sending email with discount to new subscribers.. i would suggest reading this article on how to setup the welcome flow

Badge +2

Wow, thanks Bobi! Very helpful. I am able to update my settings now :-) Thank you

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where are you seeing the list settings? i cannot find them for the life of me.

Userlevel 7
Badge +42


open the list and than.. see the img attached

