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I’m having an issue following the documentation here to embed a form in the footer of my Wix site. 


I’ve successfully added the klayvio.js code snippet (and confirmed it works using an anchor-link targeted landing page as described here), but when I add the embed DIV code in an HTML widget it doesn’t display. 


Here’s the documentation from Wix on embedded HTML.


I’ve checked that the form is published, there’s no targeting restrictions, etc. I’ve also tested adding the form in both the footer and the body of the site. 


Any thoughts here? Thanks!

Hi @Daniel Kadvany,


I hope you are having a nice weekend! Unfortunately, at this time, Klaviyo does not have a 1:1 integration with Wix.

I do have a few recommendations worth exploring:

  • Rather than using a Klaviyo embed signup form, you can build out a subscribe page in Klaviyo and explore adding that as a landing page in Wix. 
  • If you have the developer resources, leveraging Klaviyo’s subscribe API endpoint to route subscribers from Wix to a list in Klaviyo could work. If you do not have a developer, please feel free to reference our agency partner directory to find one that works for you.
  • Another workaround that I’ve heard about is leveraging a third party form platform such as You can connect Leadpages with Klaviyo through another tool called Zapier. Zapier has an app for Then you can use the landing page address and embed the landing page in the iframe. This way the third party platform such as leadpages is hosting the form, but then the API is pushing the data to Klaviyo. 

I will also submit a product enhancement request regarding this with our product team.


I hope this helps!



Thanks @julie.accardo -- I appreciate the comprehensive answer!

I also appreciate the comprehensive answer, but WOW -- it’s a pretty crappy answer. 

I am trying to do the same thing -- just embed a simple Klaviyo form on a simple Wix site. Your answer was to subscribe to TWO different 3rd party integrations, and you’re not even sure that would work. All just to collect an email address. 

It’s making me wonder if I should cut my losses and choose a different marketing automation provider before I go too far down the Klaviyo path…

I thought that

  1. I could just put a Klaviyo form in an iframe on a site like Wix. This seems like the most basic thing. Are you certain it can’t be done?
  2. I was trying to avoid having to implement Zapier. But you’re saying that won’t work either? I couldn’t use a Wix form, and use Zapier to get the data into Klaviyo?
  3. I’d like to use Klaviyo pop-ups on the Wix site as well. Can that be done at all, with or without multiple 3rd party integrations?

Hi @QuakerWildcat,

  1. As a workaround to still use the iframe, you could also try to Embed a Full Subscribe Page on Your Website using a hosted/landing page, and then embed this landing page into the iframe in Wix.  
  2. The solution involving Zapier that @julie.accardo suggested will work
  3. It is possible to make a Klaviyo pop-up appear on a Wix site. This would involve installing our onsite javascript as a pre-requisite (as with any Klaviyo form). I can say from personal experience that customers have used Klaviyo pop-ups with Wix before, however, since we currently do not offer an integration with Wix; we do not have formal steps on troubleshooting if the pop-up is not immediately working after publishing the form aside from ensuring our onsite js is on the page. Other general issues to look at out for includes ensuring there is no other code overriding our sign-up form code and ensuring the code is present on the same page your setting the form to display on. Typically customers want to paste our onsite js in their main theme file.

I hope that is helpful. Thanks and have a wonderful day.

It is helpful. Thank you.

I am able to embed a full subscribe page in Wix. Unfortunately, Klaviyo doesn’t offer nearly the same level of customization on the subscribe page as it does on the subscribe form. Certain things are hard coded, and the required opt-in email has very little customization possible. Even the WYSIWYG editor for the subscribe page is inferior. Is that something that’s maybe coming soon? 

Hi all, we are having the same issue, and found this I also reached out to Wix customer service and they confirmed we should use PoCo. Hoping this helps all of you encountering the same issue.

Hi all, we are having the same issue, and found this I also reached out to Wix customer service and they confirmed we should use PoCo. Hoping this helps all of you encountering the same issue.

thanks for heads up on this @Winni.

Do you know if this only syncs the data once or is it a ‘real time’ sync function ie it happens immediately?


Has anyone had success with embedding sign up forms into Webflow? Or is that also not possible without a third party like Zapier?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Kalviyo devs, is this integration with WIX planned for any time in the future? This is a really frustrating issue.

Hi @MoonlightMaps,

Thank you for comment. I apologize for the frustration on this. 

We are currently in discussions with Wix on building out an integration with them. It is still in the early negotiation stages, but it’s possible that this could be available in Q3 of next year. In the meantime, I recommend using one of the workarounds outlined above.

I hope that’s helpful and thanks for being a member of our community!

Hey Guys,

Presto-Changeo here, we just noticed this thread.

Unfortunately Wix and Klaviyo work in different and mostly incompatible ways when it comes to forms.

Wix dynamically loads pages, and Klaviyo requires a hard page reload for its embedded forms to function.

If you embed a Klaviyo form in your Wix website, it will work fine if the first page you are visiting has that form, but if you navigate to any other page, the form will stop working.

The only exception is the Wix footer, as it does not load dynamically, however, you cannot properly control the placement and size of the Klaviyo form.
* You can use Klaviyo popups without an issue.

With our app, you can use a Wix embedded form and have the same functionality as a Klaviyo form, including active of site tracking, and send the contacts to a specific Klaviyo list.

If you have any questions, you can email us at

Hi all, we are having the same issue, and found this I also reached out to Wix customer service and they confirmed we should use PoCo. Hoping this helps all of you encountering the same issue.

thanks for heads up on this @Winni.

Do you know if this only syncs the data once or is it a ‘real time’ sync function ie it happens immediately?

It happens right away once the app is installed, and there is an option to also sync all your existing data from before the app was installed.

Hi all, 

  1.  I tried POCO, not worth it, super limited, to many step for everything, not stright forward. 
  2. I have spend the last 5 hours reading everything online about this issue and how to go around it. I found a simple solution: 
    1. You need to copy your script from your Install code Snippet 
    2.  Copy the snippet in your HTML box in wix, followed by the embeded code from the form 



Do you see the form only the first time the website loads, or also when you navigate between pages?

The last time we checked, the Klaviyo form only initializes one time on page load, if anything on the page is changed using AJAX (which is how Wix loads different pages in the site), the form would not initialize.

Are you able to track Active on Site events?

Maybe some context: 

I have 2 registration to newsletter forms in my website. Both forms are conected to the same list. 

  1. The first one is a Popup form that is trigger after 90 sec of being in my website, and has some behivour rules included. 
  2. The second one is embeed form in one hiden page, with a URL exclusion rule.  

Both forms are currently working in my website perfectly. Saying that as non IT expert nore coder user I can tell you that there is no need to  use a third party provider for an integration, when Klavyo can be easly added to any wix website in so many ways. 


I’m glad to hear it’s working for you, but you are missing out on all the great features that make Klaviyo the standout in email marketing.

By using an Iframe for the embedded form, you are risking the cookie information will not be available outside the iFrame.

More importantly, you cannot use Active On Site events, which are the best feature in Klaviyo, as they allow you to track the activities of people who signed up to Klaviyo from your site even if they are not logged into your site.

These active on site events allow you to know when visitors viewed products, added them to cart, and started checkout (to take advantage of cart abandonment reminders), and more.

Not to mention that you are also missing a product feed (to allow you to embed products in your marketing emails), or any sales information that can be used for win-back emails, and tracking the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

So yes, you can use a popup, and embed a contact form in a very limited way, but if you do that, you end up paying for a premium service like Klaviyo, without taking advantage of any of the premium services that they offer, which seems like a waste.

This is t he last comment I answer from POCO! 

For all users with no IT back ground as me: None of what the POCO person is claiming is showing in my klaviyo dashboard. for example I sent a newsletter this mornin and look at the “last active” report: 


We’re not here to argue, we just want to set the record straight, as you make claims about our app that are simply not true.
We do offer exceptional support for everyone who uses our app (Free plan or paid plan), and we have a no questions asked refund policy as well.

Hi all, 

  1.  I tried POCO, not worth it, super limited, to many step for everything, not stright forward. 
  2. I have spend the last 5 hours reading everything online about this issue and how to go around it. I found a simple solution: 
    1. You need to copy your script from your Install code Snippet 
    2.  Copy the snippet in your HTML box in wix, followed by the embeded code from the form 




After being on the phone with Klaviyo and Wix for over 4 hours and both of them saying to contact the other and countless trouble shooting, this 2 second edit 100% works!

Thank you!!!
