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Hi Community,

Many brand I manage like the ease of use and power of flyout to ad announcement or other alerts to customers on webpage.

But there is big disadvantage in using them, there is no functionality of exclusion between them to not spam customer over when they come to website. 

Also prioritization feature will be something great to plan for example that big promo flyout will have higher priority than newsletter signup popup. Now we can only disable one to put second live.

Maybe you have some other solution to setup them. Also any interesting show cases to share?

Hi @Jakub


Thanks for shairng this! 


I agree, and this is a highly requested feature! 


A workaround that might help in the mean time would depend on your goal for form. However, if it’s a sales event or some other announcement, you could change the form’s behavior display on other highly trafficked URLs on the website that the newsletter form doens’t show to tackle how forms display to uncookied users.


You could also segment your known browsers by having your newsletter flyout form not show to your main list or segment of users who are in your list, or filled out the form or have a profile attached to themselves after form submission.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feedback in the Community, Jakub!

