
Forms Sign up rate to conversion?

  • 6 March 2024
  • 3 replies

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Is there a way I can easily calculate Sign up rate to Conversion - on a monthly basis?


Best answer by Spark Bridge Digital LLC 6 March 2024, 13:41

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +39

Hi @adity  

You can select the form name or go to your form list view, and for the form you’re interested in, select the 3 dots on the right, then ‘Analytics’ (below). You can then view a page of stats that shows counts for form views and submissions plus form submit rate within a user-specificed date range.

Is that what you’re looking for? Or do you mean purchase as a ‘conversion’ after submitting a form?




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Hi @bluesnapper thanks, I’m looking for purchase as a ‘conversion’ after submitting a form.

Userlevel 6
Badge +32

Hey @adity, you could achieve this somewhat via segmentations!

For example:

If you select their form source, a specific date range you want to compare you could then see that number and compare it to your total submissions in Feb BUT this is really specific to brand new leads. I’m not aware that the actual submission date of a form could be captured and filtered unless your form submits to a list that is only for that sign-up form. That could be a way to get around sticking to the created date and instead say - Subscribed to list between dates.

But overall you’ll still have to compare stats, it won’t be a clean review of conversions vs submissions but this helps you at least get a count.
