Hi Community!
I am always on the look out for creative and on-brand verbiage to add to my sign-up forms. One of the lesser known CTA’s I see utilized in Forms is a button which dismisses or closes the form should the website visitor not wish to complete it. This is often a missed opportunity to win a new subscriber with clever wording that causes them to rethink their decision to dismiss a pop-up form.
Here’s an example of what I mean (see the text under the blue button):
Does anyone not like saving money? Not really! So the button we have included below the main CTA causes users to take a moment to reflect and really consider the incentive they might be missing out on.
We’ve found that including a playful message like this can improve the form submission rate by 1-2% on average!
I’d love to hear from some Community members on your favorite verbiage to use for the close form button in your Klaviyo sign-up forms - share them below!
Maybe some of our Klaviyo Champions can kick off the discussion?