
How can I direct email & sms on 1 signup form to 2 different lists?

  • 18 January 2024
  • 2 replies


Hello I have a question & it would be greatly appreciated if anyone could clear this up for me. thanks in advance

So I have an embedded sign up form on my password page that captures both emails and SMS on the same form. The sms being optional. How can I make it to where: either field that someone opts into forwards to two different lists. Meaning if someone signs up for only email, their info gets forwarded to one list but if they also put in their SMS, their SMS details will forward to a different list.


that way my email flow can reach the email list & my sms flow can reach the sms list instead of all the opt in details forward to just the email flow


Best answer by Taylor Tarpley 19 January 2024, 16:22

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Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hello @Indigoacres


Welcome to the Community! Great question! 


As our ‘Submit’ button only allows you to add to one list at a time, normally customers use a multi step form  to collect email signups and add to the email specific list on step one and then ask for SMS opt in to be added to a specific SMS list on the second step’s submit button. As you want to collect this information on a one step form on your password protected page, you will need to custom code your form to send sms information if users fill out that option in one step along with email. 


Here are some resources on getting started with SMS that might be helpful as well!


Thanks for participating in the Community!


Badge +1

Hey! I think you're overthinking it. I feel like the easier solution for you would be to create a segment for sms. The segment could be like “properties about someone” and have phone number starts with and put all numbers 1-9 as an option. or phone number has country code +1 (if your audience is mainly in the US. 
