I run giveaways on my site from time to time in an effort to grow my mailing list. I’ll put a form on a Shopify page and ask people to sign up for the giveaway and let them know they will also start receiving marketing emails.
I often offer a discount code as an incentive to sign up.
For new users, it’s no problem. They sign up, and they get added to my newsletter list, and then they get the Welcome Flow with a discount code. I even have a split logic in my Welcome Flow so that if they sign up on certain forms, I set a custom attribute in their profile which dictates which part of the split the go down. Works perfectly.
HOWEVER… I also want to let existing users sign up for the giveaways. The problem is that, by design, if they are already on my newsletter list, they will not receive a new Welcome Flow, and they will not get a discount code. I could put the code in the form success message, but I really want people to give legit email addresses, so I’d prefer to deliver the code in flow.
I looked to see if a form could push people to two lists, but that’s not possible in Klaviyo. I thought about building a segment and then sending a flow to users who show up on that segment. That way existing users will get the new segment flow, and while they will get added to the newsletter list again, they won’t get the Welcome flow. BUT… brand new users would get a segment flow and the 1 minute later, they would get the main Welcome Flow, which seems inefficient.
Any suggestions?