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is it possible to get a signup link to newsletter?

  • 15 December 2023
  • 4 replies

Can I make a link/QR-code a person can scan, and then they can signup directly to newsletters.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +59

Hi @Bravo, welcome to the community!

There’s a few ways you can go about this. 

Use the List Subscribe Page

Every List has a subscribe page, this is hosted by Klaviyo and you have some basic formatting and styling editor to match your brand aesthetics.  If you go to your List → Subscribe & preferences pages → Subscribe Page → Edit

You can copy the Subscribe Page URL here:


Then you can convert that URL to a QR Code (or use a link shortener/redirect tool). 

Embed a Klaviyo Signup Form

Another approach is to embed an email signup form on a mobile friendly page on your website.  And then create a QR Code that points to that URL on your site.

Hope that helps!


Joseph Hsieh // // twitter: @retenion  


yes thank you so much :)

Badge +1

Hello, jumping on the topic here. Is there any way to use the sign up page link in a QR code as mentioned above and be able to track the sign up source? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi there @Justyna


If you are using the subscribe page for a list, there won’t be a more granular way to figure out that they came to the list via QR code specifically, they’ll just be added to the list in general.


However, if you want to track that subscribers came into the list via QR code specifically, I’d suggest using the second option Joe suggests above, which is using an embed form on a dedicated page and sending your QR code subscribers there to sign up. The reason is because you can add a hidden property on a Klaviyo form  that can say ‘QR code signup’ so you can differentiate how these users came to be subscribers specifically. 


Hope this helps!

