
Is there a way to append a hidden field value from page when submitting a Klaviyo form?

  • 18 October 2023
  • 4 replies




We are implementing a “Contact Us” form that is available on each “details” page of our products (over which there are several hundred).  I want to be able to pass along the name of the item upon form submission that would get stored the custom property that I set on the submission button.  Do Klaviyo forms have a way of passing custom property values upon submission?


Best answer by Taylor Tarpley 20 October 2023, 22:29

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4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +36

Hi @gtomalesky ,

Welcome to the Community! 

I actually discussed this exact functionality in another thread here: 

The short answer is: Yes! You can absolutely add a hidden field to capture the product URL upon form submission. 

Check out the thread I linked above for the full details on how. 

Hope this helps!

-- Ashley Ismailovski


Hello Ashley,


Thank you for the information - I did come across this post during my search, but it appears that I would have to set the hidden field value manually inside Klaviyo’s form editor, which would then necessitate that I have a separate form created for each of the several hundred items we have in our inventory.  I need to be able to grab the value from the page’s html in some manner and add that to the data sent when the Klaviyo form is submitted.

Ideally what I’d like to be able to do is to push an extra parameter into the form’s submission data via a klaviyo javascript function or my own custom function.

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi there @gtomalesky


You are right, we cannot dynamically capture any product page URL in one klaviyo form.


I imagine that you would want to know what product the users is interested in, and therefore looking at, when they submit the form. As a workaround you could do two things to gain the information you were looking to utilize:

  1. If the user subscribes to marketing in this ‘Contact us’ form, the user is cookied as the submit the form, you can create a browse abandonment flow which is triggered from the ‘viewed product’ metric. After they fill out the form, the next time they browse a product and don’t take an action, they will trigger an automated ‘saw you were looking at x product’ email to prompt return engagement. 
  2. You can ask what collections or types of your products they’re most interested in in your ‘Contact us’ form.


I’m sorry we can’t perform exactly the action you’re looking for, but hopefully these workarounds point you in the right direction! 



Hello Taylor,

Thank you for the reply - unfortunately I wound up going to in a different direction but I would certainly suggest that your development team add a method to dynamically push custom property data when the form is submitted, if possible.
