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I am looking for a way to export sign ups and views by form so I can get a conversion rate via API. Is this possible?

Hi there @MoneyJ2k


Thanks for sharing your question with us! 


While signup form analytics are not yet offered by Klaviyo via the API, I am more than happy to put in a feature request on your behalf and provide a workaround in app in the mean time!


While there isn’t a way to analyze form views, you can find the conversion rate of those who submit your form and place an order by the following segment criteria: 

  • If you have a custom property that is already added to a profile upon form submission, I would use this property as the first condition. (If you do not have this, I would add this property to your form now and in the meantime  use the $source property and choose the name of the form. A customer’s $source can change depending on certain actions they take, which is why adding hidden form properties is considered best practice for tracking who fills out a form.)


  • Someone who has placed an order over all time.


After creating this segment you can then export it as a CSV to analyze your results. I understand this is not as efficient as an API call, however, I hope this helps you accomplish your goal in the meantime! 


Thanks for participating in the Community!



Is there any update on this?
