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Need Help Integrating Klaviyo Signup Popup in Android Native App

  • 15 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello Community Support,

I hope you're doing well. I'm currently working on an Android native app and looking to integrate a signup popup from Klaviyo. However, I'm facing some challenges with the implementation and would appreciate your guidance.

Request for Support:

While attempting to integrate the Klaviyo signup popup into our Android app, I encountered difficulties in achieving the desired functionality. Specifically, I'm unsure about the best approach to trigger the popup within the app and handle its display and dismissal seamlessly.


  1. What is the recommended method to trigger the Klaviyo signup popup within an Android native app?
  2. How can I ensure that the popup displays correctly and captures user information effectively?
  3. Are there any specific considerations or best practices to keep in mind while integrating Klaviyo's popup in an Android environment?
  4. Are there any sample code snippets or resources available that demonstrate the integration process step-by-step?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi there @AqeelAAqi,


Welcome tot he Community, happy to help! 


To be clear, you are interested in using our popup to not display on a website, but rather inside an app on an Android device? If so, this isn’t possible at this time, but I am more than happy to submit this as a feature request!


If not, do you mind sharing what exactly you want to accomplish and where? 


Thanks for participating in the Community!

