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Placeholder text disappeared from form

  • 6 October 2021
  • 2 replies

I have created a multi-step name and email form in Klaviyo. I had two fields, one for first name and one for email. I have gone into the form today and the placeholder text has disappeared and I have no idea how or why this has happened. Is anyone able to assist?

This is what my form looks like and below shows what the placeholder text should be.



2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +58

Hi @Shanae,

Welcome to the Community! I see you are having issues with your email form and the visuals of it. I’d be happy to offer some info into what might be going wrong.


Is it possible that your placeholder text is set to the same color as your background? 

?name=inline-47550407.pngThis screenshot shows where you can edit that option and check!

Additionally, if your placeholder is actually set in place by your site code, it would override any customization you have done on Klaviyo. Do you mind sharing your setup for this form so that we may be able to further diagnose what might be the root of the problem?


Looking forward to hearing from you!




I am having the same issue. I have used the klaviyo app to embed in shopify. 

The font color and background color are different, and this is happening across my entire site.
