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Pop up form should be opened when click on the form teaser

  • 27 May 2024
  • 3 replies


Please let me know if there is a way for the pop-up form to open only when someone clicks the form teaser; otherwise, it should not open.

Thank you!

Yes, you can set the pop-up form in Klaviyo to open only when someone clicks the teaser. Go to the form's "Behavior" settings and choose "Display on Click" or "Only show on custom trigger." This way, the form will only appear when the teaser is clicked.

You can find detailed instructions on how to set this up here.

Hope this helps :)

Welcome to the community @DishaM13 

@eCom2Win_Marketing do you have a pop-up “display on click” option for a form teaser? I’ve never seen that apart from the typical teaser action but that doesn’t stop the form from appearing unless based on rules. 

If you don’t have that option either @DishaM13 here’s how to achieve what you want:

On your form, set Timing under Targeting & Behaviour to ‘based on rules’. Then select the rule ‘After visitor sees a certain number of pages’ and set to 100, a high enough number that will never be reached by a site visitor in a session.

Ensure your teaser’s behaviour is set to either ‘before displaying form’ or ‘before displaying form and after form is closed’ depending on how you want it to behave.

The outcome will be that your teaser appears 2 seconds after the page loads, but the pop-up does not appear unless the teaser is clicked.

A custom trigger is for when you want the pop-up to appear on a web button click.

I hope that helps



Thank you so much @bluesnapper ! Your solution worked.
