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How do I remove this little widget on my Shopify store? It appears when you minimize the Klaviyo email form. How do I turn it off so I don't have a gift showing in the lower left on the screen? Website:



In your form build it’s called “Teaser”. If you don’t want it at all you could just delete the teaser section entirely. Here’s an article on all the settings you could customize for the teaser:



@Oliver Raahauge I would suggest running an A/B test on this to make sure you're not removing a good working setup. This looks like it could potentially help with signups. At worse you'll learn something from it. Remember having consent to email someone is really valuable, list growth is important and can make a big impact down the line. 

Anyway, just my 2cents… hope this helps.


Omar Lovert // Polaris Growth // Klaviyo Master Platinum Partner
