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Sign up form shows up right away, even though I want to appear it after delay

  • 11 February 2024
  • 2 replies



I have set up A/B(/C/D/..)-tests with different sign up forms in English and German.

For all, I use this set up: 


However, I have done some testing of other features of my page lately, and often the sign up form appeared right away. Am I missing something? Did I do something wrong?


Thank you!

Hi there,

Could there be a chance that the ‘When someone is exiting the page’ triggers the sign-up form in those cases you mention? I suppose that it’s triggered if your mouse is heading north.

Another question.. is this sign-up form for desktop only?
I’m not sure how the exit detect would work in mobile..


Would you consider testing settings like these instead?



Thank you for your answer!


Yes, the explanation with the “When exiting”-trigger as possible cause sounds like it could be the problem. Thank you!


I have excluded it right now, kept the rest with the 25 seconds delay (for this test) and will test shorter delay/options like you showed in the following A/B-test.
