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Hi there,


I created a signup form > exit intent pop up.

But it don’t shows up. 


The Form is Live and I use Shopify so the code snippet is automatically activated. It also confirmed that everything is good.


What am I doing wrong?

Update: the analytics says the form was viewed 7 times by mobile. But I CAN’T see it. Wether on desktop or mobile

Hi @kw13,

Thank you for sharing this question with the Klaviyo community.

Exit intent forms are triggered when someone mouses above the top of the viewport on desktop, or if someone scrolls quickly to the top of the page on mobile. Since the form is getting views, this tells us that people are able to view the form. 

If you are performing these actions and still not seeing the form populate, I recommend cloning the form and removing all behavior-related settings (except for exit intent) and trying to view it on an incognito browser. It may be that other behavior settings are interfering with your ability to view the form. For example, if you have loading delays set-up.

Hi Dov, thanks for your answer. I just wanted to check the whole process.

Exit Intent Pop Up > Success > Email DOI > Email with Discount Code


Is there any possibilty to check that?

Hi @kw13,

Yes, that is generally correct. The steps in between include the user being added to the list that triggers the flow. So:

Exit Intent Pop Up > Success Message > Email DOI > Added to list > Enter flow triggered off of list > Email with Discount Code.

The easiest way to test is to use Klaviyo’s quick add feature using your email alias. This involves adding a “+” sign and some digits or numbers after your regular email address. For example, This is done because it creates a net-new profile and allows it to enter your flow.

To use this option, navigate to the list you'd like to add the profile to, then click Quick Add. That will add your email alias to the list that triggers the flow. From there, you should receive the discount to your email (

The Quick Add button is highlighted in a lists’ settings in Klaviyo

I hope that is helpful. 

Hi Dov, I still don’t get it. I’m really desperate with Klaviyo 🙈 is there any chance to get somebody who can check the process with me?

Hi @kw13,

I can tell you that that process you outlined is generally correct, and if you follow the steps above you will be able to test the coupon code for yourself. However, we do not inspect individual accounts here in the Klaviyo community. For more information on sending coupon codes, you can check out our guide here. For integration specific-guides, please see our documentation below:
