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Welcome email not sending when customers subscribe to newsletter

  • 16 May 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello. I’m having trouble with my welcome email not sending to customers when they sign-up for my newsletter. It works with my pop-up newsletter sign-up form but not with my embedded newsletter sign-up form. I’ve searched the forums and tried everything that was suggested and it’s still not working. Any suggestions on how to get this to work are greatly appreciated.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +41

Welcome to the community @Jenn's Zen Creations 

Just checking: do your embedded form and pop-up form submit to the same list? If not, have you checked if you have double opt-in enabled on your embedded form list? If double opt-in is enabled, subscribers won’t get added to your list/welcome flow unless they confirm their subscription.

Another thing worth mentioning is that if a contact is in your list and then they subscribe, they won’t enter a list-triggered welcome flow as they are not a new list member.

Let me know if you’ve already checked all that!




Hi Andy,

Thank you! I have the double opt-in turned off. I just checked my embedded form and it was not submitting to the same list. I fixed it and it’s working now. YAY! 😁 Thanks so much for your help! 🙏🏽

With Gratitude,

