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I’d like to update a subscriber’s profiles on the success slide of a sign up form using this:

{% update_property_link 'profile_property' 'property_value' 'redirect_link' %}

But it’s just giving me 400 Bad Link /Cloudfare errors.

So one example use case is for a jewellery brand, a person subscribes and then on the success slide there’s 2 CTAs, one to SHOP GOLD and one to SHOP SILVER and I’d like to tag the profile based on which button they choose.

But I keep getting errors. Does this not work on forms, only in emails? Do I need to ask that question on a different slide using the Radio Buttons instead? Trying to collect the info inconspicuously 😉.

Hi there @Katie_Farrell


Welcome to the Community, happy to help! 


Great investigation so far, this is really close! So yes, this action only work in an email when someone clicks on a button or image in an email. 


You can tag a customer with a hidden property in a signup form easily using this documentation here!  However, I would have this as the second step of you signup form and not the success step. This simialr thread will help you gain more insight as well!


Thanks for participating in the Community!

