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Hi there.

I am a bit confused about collecting consent for SMS which I will describe below.

I have a form that confirms opt-in for SMS that only shows up on a mobile. This is easy to configure because of the special "Subscribe via SMS" action button that you can put in mobile only forms. So people click that button on their mobile, they get sent a text message asking them to "Join" the list. 

That problem I have is this...

I have the same setup on a desktop. I have the same sort of form but it only shows on desktop. People have to manually type in their phone number to sign up for SMS and press "Send me texts". 

But I don't know how to get their consent for the list it sends them to this way. I've tested it with myself and nothing happens asking me to confirm my sign up on my phone. If the list they are configured to join has "double opt-in" checked or "single opt-in" checked, they just join the list anyway. So it appears to not matter if I have double or single opt-in checked.

I hope I explained that clearly enough. I'd appreciate any help.


Hey @In the Inbox thanks for the tag, and sorry I’m late the party. 


@The Sample Stop what’s your site? I’d like to sign up to your sms list and see what’s happening on the customer side (you can DM me your site if you don’t want it on the forms). 


I believe all SMS sign up’s should go through the double opt-in whether it’s from a desktop or mobile form.

Thank you @In the Inbox for clarifying.

You’ve basically just described the problem I’ve been having and said that’s how it’s supposed to be haha. That’s fine though. At least now I know.


I was under the impression that, like mobile, you would get a confirmation text asking you to join (consent). But you’re saying that through desktop you don’t need a keyword. I’ll just continue with what I’ve been doing by sending them a welcome SMS. 

Thanks for your help!

Hi @The Sample Stop 

I hope support is able to clarify any remaining technical obstacles to get your desktop popup working correctly. One other thought I had this morning is to confirm the desktop popup is subscribing SMS to a specific lists. Perhaps users are not receiving consent because there isn’t a list selected for the SMS number? (I assume you have this configured, but wanted to double check 😀 )

In terms of the subscriber experience, they would not necessarily need to submit a keyword to confirm their subscription. This is why having the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service hyperlinked in the bottom of the popup. I assume after someone signs up via a mobile popup that after they submit the “join” keyword they receive some sort of welcome message back. 

While a keyword isn’t needed for a desktop popup, I would suggest you continue to send a welcome SMS message after signup so the user knows they have successfully joined the SMS list. 

I hope that helps!

@In the Inbox 

Thank you @In the Inbox. As far as I can tell it is all set up as it should be. I will take this up with the Technical Support team to help me further.

One more thing though, just so I know...

If everything is set up correctly, what is meant to happen when you do fill in the SMS consent form on desktop?

Like with signing up on mobile, are you meant to get sent a confirmation text asking you to reply with your subscription keyword “join” or whatever you have set it to? Or is it something else?


Hi @The Sample Stop 

In the example, you would replace the hyperlinks with links to your Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. You would not need to add that language in the popup. If that radio button is selected, then it should be marking the contact with consent for SMS. If it’s not, you may want to speak with a Klaviyo Technical Support to double check there isn’t something else in your account that might be limiting the consent from being saved. 

I’d like to invite another Klaviyo Champion @Mailbox Manny - Any thoughts on the issue here? I’d love your thoughts on the problem of collecting SMS consent via a desktop popup!


Thanks for your reply @In the Inbox

Just to clarify when you say:

I would double check this to be sure your desktop popup is configured to collect consent (Assuming you include a link to your Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, as noted in the example).


Are you saying that the terms of service and privacy policy have to be put where the orange text is? Or can I just put it in as a hyperlink where it says “privacy policy” and “terms of service”? Because I’ve just used hyperlinks.

And if it does have to be where the orange text is, does it have to be in orange? If it’s not in that exact place and/or in orange, will the form not collect consent properly?

Because I have it all set up according to the screenshot above where the “collect sms consent” button is selected. But as I said before, people can just fill in the form and be added to the list without giving their consent.



Hi @The Sample Stop 

Thank you for posting your question in the community. 

When using a Klaviyo form to collect SMS consent, there is usually a radio button associated to the SMS field in the form that needs to be checked to “Collect Consent.” 

I would double check this to be sure your desktop popup is configured to collect consent (Assuming you include a link to your Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, as noted in the example).

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions.



@In the Inbox 
