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I’m new to Klaviyo and using the Klaviyo Multi-step signup form template for email and then SMS opt-in. For the SMS opt-in offer, I am offering 5% off your next purchase. How should I set up the welcome flow to account for this delayed SMS 5% offer which triggers after the first purchase? I am still building out my first flows so I’m not sure what best practices are for something like this. Thank you!

Hi @GoodVibes123


Welcome to the Community, we are happy to have you! 


Great idea using our Mult-Step Signup Form to capture SMS consent along with other information about your users in one fell swoop! In order to start creating an SMS welcome flow, I’d ensure that you’ve taken the steps to enable Klaviyo SMS in your account to get started. I suggest checking out our documentation on creating an SMS Welcome Flow, however, typically, an SMS welcome flow is triggered by a  consented to receive SMS metric, followed by a welcome or thank you message for consenting to SMS. 


Do you mind sharing why you want to give a discount on their second order rather than their first? Typically in Welcome Flows, the discount given is to reward users for signing up and encouraging them to make their first purchase and take a step down your brand’s marketing funnel. You can create a conditional split in your SMS welcome flow to only give the message with the discount if they travel down the ‘YES’ path to the condition that the user has made one purchase over all time, however, you cannot ‘keep’ someone in the flow until they do a certain action like make a purchase. 


A potential workaround could be to create another Flow, in addition to your SMS welcome Flow, triggered by the ‘Placed Order’ metric then add Flow Filters, which prevent users from going through the flow who don’t meet these conditions. , such as ‘What Someone Has Done > Received SMS > (your non discounted SMS message from your Welcome Flow) > Once > Over all Time’, and has only placed an order once over all time. This would ensure only those users who have consented to SMS, yet not purchased previously would receive the discount message. 


 I’d love to open up the conversation and hear what other users have done and seen work well when offering discounts with their SMS Welcome Flows. Until then, I’d suggest checking out some other posts fellow users have made about this topic as well as some academy courses that might be helpful!


Thanks for being a part of the Community! 



Hello Taylor, thank you so much for the detailed and informative reply. To answer your question, on my multi-step signup form, the first step is offering 10% discount on the first purchase and the following step in the signup form is an extra 5% code via SMS good for their second purchase. I could be wrong in thinking this, but the idea here is to offer an incentive in exchange for their SMS opt-in and at the same time enable us to promote a re-order or second purchase. I’d love to know your thoughts on this type of approach and if you think it will work or not. The standard Klaviyo multi-step signup form had the Email offer at 10% and then the SMS offer was to receive the 10% via text instantly, which is fine but I thought just offering to get the same code sent via text (instead of only email) wasn’t really a big enough incentive. 

I think I figured out a potential issue with my intentions. With the multi-step signup form’s first step asking for email, if the user clicks no thanks and then gets sent to the SMS opt-in with 5% extra offer, that wouldn’t make sense for this person who might not want to opt-in via email but would rather opt-in via SMS only so in that case, they wouldn’t be able to get the 10% initial offer and we could lose the sale using this method. Unless you can think of a workaround, such as adding a conditional step to the multi-step signup form,  I think I will just stick with the conventional multi-step signup form. Thoughts? Thank you!

@Taylor Tarpley question for you regarding sending coupon codes in the multi-step signup form. How do I send the same exact (unique) coupon code to the user when they opt in to email AND sms? They should only be getting one unique coupon code if they sign up for BOTH so how do I do this in Klaviyo?

Hi @GoodVibes123 , 


Thanks for your additional reply, it was helpful information I needed!


Essentially, I would create two flows. One Flow triggered when someone signed up for your email List to receive the email discount offer and creating a conditional split to see if they have also consented to receive SMS. If ‘YES’ you could send an additional email that congratulates them for signing up and to encourage them to use this discount on their second purchase. However, if they haven’t consented to SMS and travel down the  ‘NO’ path,  I would send an email encouraging them to sign up for SMS to get the second discount available. 


The second flow to create would be triggered by the SMS ‘Consented to receive SMS’ metric, however, to ensure this is for users who have have also signed up on your email list through the multi-step signup form, you can add a Flow filter ensuring the users who will enter this flow are also on your specified email list. You can additionally build off conditional splits in the flow to see if this is the user’s first purchase or not. 


Finally, you cannot use dynamic or unique coupon codes in forms, only static codes can be used. 


Hope this helps! Thanks for being a part of the Community! 

