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Order Reminder SMS Automation

  • 26 November 2021
  • 2 replies

We are trying to automate an SMS reminder to all customers who have not placed their weekly order by the order cut off deadline. 


New menu released = Monday/Tuesday

Order deadline = Thursday 

Surplus item sales (one-off sale day) = Saturday


What I am really trying to achieve is send an SMS to everyone that has consented, but has not placed an order in the Mon/Tues - Thursday window. Even when I back populate this, it only adds a handful of people.

The biggest problem I see is that placing an order is required to enter the flow. So, theoretically, if week 1 we have 100 customers order, on week 2 only customers from this population who don’t place an order will get the SMS (where we are actually trying to send it to everyone who has consented and not ordered).  I figured back populating would solve this, but it does not. 

I’m at a loss for how to automate this. We’ve been doing it manually with campaigns/segments, but with Klaviyo segments updating only every 24 hours, some people who have already ordered for the week still get the SMS reminder telling them to order. 




2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +22

Hi @VinnieT, welcome to the Community!

From your post, it sounds like you want to create a flow that sends an SMS to existing customers who have not placed a repeat order, on a weekly basis. If I misunderstand, please let me know. 

There are a couple of problems that will make this flow technically difficult. At this time, Klaviyo cannot filter by time or date of an event, so there is no way to restrict messages to profiles who did not order on specific days of the week, which appears necessary for your cutoff.

Though the time delay can be configured to wait for a certain time of day and day of the week to send the message, it won’t always result in a weekly SMS for your customers. 

For example, as you have it in your screenshot with a 0 day delay on Thursday at 12:30 pm, someone could place an order on Wednesday, and if they do not place another order by Thursday at 12:30 they will receive your SMS only one day after placing their order.

If you used a 7 day delay to ensure a week went by, they would only receive it if they don’t place an order in those seven days. However if someone orders on a Saturday, the message would not send until the next Thursday after 7 days had passed. In other words they would go without a message for 12 days.  


It sounds like your product is recurring, so if you have not already, it may be worth it to consider a subscription payment partner such as Recharge or Recurly, depending on your ecommerce platform. This would change your business model from an “opt-in” to “Opt-out” model, but you would be able to send your customers sms reminders about their upcoming renewal if they need to make adjustments. 

I hope this was helpful, and if I misunderstood the context of your flow, please let me know!

Badge +2

Thanks for the in-depth response, Julia! 

It isn’t a recurring product. We are a meal-prep company with a new menu of various items every week. We do not offer subscriptions yet, so customers may order at will. 

So does it make sense to just keep using campaigns, even though it’s manual? 

How we’re doing that is using a segment of those that haven’t ordered in the previous 4 days, and we send it out on Thursday at 12:30 (covering Monday-Thursday). My only problem is that the frequency at which Segments update, some people are getting the message when they shouldn’t. I had one instance this past week where someone that should have gotten it didn’t (that didn’t make sense to me since they should have been in the segment already. We make sure the owner and me are in the segment so we can ensure SMS deliverability, although we don’t ever “order”). 

Hope that all made sense and again, thanks for your help! 
