
Push Campaign "Schedule or send" button is not active

  • 12 January 2024
  • 5 replies


When creating a Push Campaign, at the Review step, the 'Schedule or send' button is inactive, even though all checks are green, the settings for both Android and iOS platforms are correct, and the test pushes have successfully been delivered. Could you please advise what the issue might be? I am using test account.


Best answer by kaila.lawrence 18 January 2024, 16:39

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5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hi there @Ivan Potapov


Welcome to the Community! Happy to help! 


Great to hear you’re getting started in the push notification world! As noted in our how to send a push notification campaign documentation, before you get started, you need to ensure you’ve set up push notifications in your Klaviyo account. To confirm, have you done the three things below? 

  1. You have your own native mobile iOS app.
  2. You have generated an APNs authentication key from Apple that will be uploaded to Klaviyo.
  3. You have installed the Klaviyo SDK and set up event tracking and push notifications in your iOS app.


Let me know if you’ve taken these three steps are are still not able to hit the send/schedule button!



Hi, @Taylor Tarpley! Thanks for quick response.

  1. We have both iOS and Android applications
  2. We have all required keys uploaded, APNs key and key for push notifications service in Google Cloud, push notifications settings are enabled and set up for both platforms.
  3. iOS uses KlaviyoSwift, Android uses klaviyo-android-sdk. SDKs work as expected, I am able to send preview message via push token to iOS test device and Android test device from Klaviyo.

The problem is that I am unable to activate a push notifications campaign, it just stays in draft mode. The 'Schedule and Send' button is greyed out and unclickable. Unfortunately, it's unclear why, as there are no error or warning messages. I'm not sure what I might have missed. Additionally, my account has admin privileges.


Userlevel 5
Badge +30

Hey @Ivan Potapov! I’m stepping in for Taylor here. 


Have you collected explicit consent to your recipients? Push notification consent is collected separately from email and SMS consent. If you have consent for a different channel, that does not mean that you can send push notifications to that contact until they specifically opt in to receive push notifications. Once a profile grants consent, their mobile app ID will appear under Channels along with a green check mark denoting their consent status. Not having consent would prevent you from sending this campaign. 


Let me know if that helps!


Hi @kaila.lawrence, I apologize for the delay. When testing push notifications, I used tokens taken directly from profiles (Audience → Profiles). Although it showed a green checkmark for Mobile Push Notifications subscription, the button remained disabled. However, the issue was somehow resolved, the button became active one day, but I'm not sure how, unfortunately 😅.

Userlevel 5
Badge +30

The tech gods have smiled upon you 😂 Glad this got sorted. If you have any other issues don’t hesitate to reach back out!
