
Record SMS sent replies to pass via integrations

  • 13 September 2022
  • 5 replies

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  • Problem Solver I
  • 4 replies

One of the BIG limitations of the Klaviyo to Gorgias integration is that inability to pass the whole automated SMS conversation from Klaviyo to Gorgias when a customer replies. 

For instance, if there are several automated SMS in a sequence and someone replies to an open ended question eg “I’d like to learn more about this product” then that reply has no context when it comes into Gorgias as the SMS they replied to is not bought in for the whole conversation. 

I’ve reached out to Gorgias on this and they have said this is a limitation of the Klaviyo system. Is there a way to record that SMS reply (even if it’s via an API integration) so it can then be allocated to that ticket in Gorgias? 


Best answer by DanP 6 October 2022, 03:37

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Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hello @DanP,

Welcome to the Klaviyo Community!

At present, although subsequent messages would be automatically added to the ticket created in Gorgias, prior conversions and messages would not.

To combat this however, I would suggest further refining your SMS keywords. Doing so should help alleviate - not eliminate - those requests that don’t have a lot of context. 

I’ll still share your feedback with your Product Team to investigate this further to see if they can provide more product enhancements in the future though!

Thanks for being a part of our Klaviyo Community!


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Thanks @David To. I’ve been thinking about this further and wondering if it can be done via an API integration, because the first time every message comes into Gorgias, it comes in under a unique ID eg ‘’. Surely if Klaviyo is creating the content of the ticket, it’s able to find the content of the SMS right? 

So if we could find that content and match it to the unique ID created, we could add the previous SMS we sent to the ticket in Gorgias? 

Userlevel 7
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Hey @DanP,

Love where you’re head’s at with this!

I’m not a developer, but although on paper this sounds doable, I suspect there’s going to be some roadblocks with this sort of limitation. Some that comes to mind when thinking this through is the complexity of parsing the existing messages that have already been sent to be merged into Gorgias. For example, how many messages were you expecting to search and parse in order to be synced to a specific Gorgias ticket?

In the same vein, I’d be curious to know if Gorgias has the ability to properly merge those conversation data in the right order. What I mean by this is when data is sent to Gorgias, would they be able to rebuild the timeline of when the messages were sent in the ticket as opposed to just having those past conversation data synced in after the ticket has been created which could potentially cause further confusion in the timeline of when events took place.

Definitely a lot to think about and consider! 


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@David To just letting you know I managed to find a way to hack this to an extent, by adding the most recent SMS sent from Klaviyo to the Gorgias ticket. It needs Zapier and about 10 different steps but it’s doable.

One piece of feedback, trying to find the recent metrics for users to view the SMS message was pretty difficult. It took a fair bit of trial and error and I found the API testing docs (I’m not a developer) more difficult to use than Gorgias’. But from someone that isn’t a developer or ‘techy’ at all, it’s probably something would be useful letting the userbase know how to do IMO. 

Userlevel 7
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Hey @DanP,

Glad to hear you were able to find a solution! 

I’ll share your additional feedback with your product team to continue exploring further!

Thanks for being a member of our Klaviyo Community!

