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SMS Subscribers

  • 27 June 2024
  • 2 replies


From what I understand from this article - - there are only a couple of countries supported for this feature. 

Does it mean that if I have a simple SMS Subscribe form, that looks like this, the subscribers that are not from the supported countries, are not being added to my list? 

If so, can I remove the unsupported countries from the dropdown, in my form ?


Thank you!


Hi @alex.s,

To my knowledge, it’s not possible to remove certain countries from the country code dropdown in the phone number field. However, I find that to be a valid feature request that could improve the UX and remove any confusion for users in regions where it’s not supported.

To answer your question, I would expect the subscribers where SMS is not yet supported to still be added to the list. However, they would not have SMS marketing consent applied to their profile, which is required in order to send to them.

A couple of ideas on how you could currently approach it:

  1. If you’re able to, target the signup form to only appear in regions where collecting SMS consent is currently supported. For regions where it’s not supported, display a signup form that only collects email marketing consent. Note, this would likely be simplest for brands that have Klaviyo accounts separated by country/region.
  2. If the above isn’t possible (e.g. you have a global audience and one Klaviyo account), and you’d like to ensure you’re not missing out on collecting SMS consent for users in regions where it’s supported, you could add language to the existing disclaimer mentioning SMS is only supported in specific regions.

Curious to hear what ideas others might have, too!


Bobby’s solution above is the one I would follow. It would be a good feature for future versions to be able to remove non supported Countries from the drop down field.
