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Having trouble importing  SMS #’s. When  I have column with “+1” and number, when saved as CSV, the +1 is removed so the file will not upload correctly. Any suggestions?


Hello @RainbowsOfLight,

Thank you for sharing this with the Klaviyo community.

Can you try adding an apostrophe before the +1?  (e.g., '+12345678910) and see if that works for you? The file format should not impact the ability to save the +1, but if the +1 is not “holding” in the .csv file, this should resolve it. If you are still having trouble, I would try using another platform to save the file i.e. excel if you are using google sheets or vice versa and also try the apostrophe trick there if necessary.

Thanks for being a member of our community.

Thanks Dov,

I tried the apostrophe and it does hold in the csv but then Klaviyo shows a mismatch on import:


365 records skipped: mismatched data typeCheck that the correct type was selected for each column during field mapping.

… I’ll try your other suggestion over the weekend.

Hi @RainbowsOfLight,

Yes, please keep us updated on the status.

Also, can you confirm if you have any additional fields in the .csv file aside from the phone number? For example, if you have the SMS consent timestamp column, it must be formatted in one of Klaviyo's accepted datetime formats (e.g., 2019-09-01 13:34:08+00:00) and should use the “Date” data type on the mapping page.

The phone number field should be using the “String” data type on the mapping page (depicted below):

You can find below the correct data types for the “standard” properties when uploading SMS consent to ensure a match:

  • Email --> Map to "Email" property; data type = string
  • Phone number --> Map to "Phone Number" property; data type = string
  • Country --> Map to "Country" property; data type = string
  • Timestamp --> Map to "SMS Consent Timestamp" property; data type = date
