Log in to 2 different Klaviyo accounts

  • 29 October 2022
  • 5 replies

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  • Problem Solver I
  • 4 replies

One of the things I continuously get tripped up by is trying to see settings, setups and content across 2 different Klaviyo accounts at once in the same browser. It’s a restriction from Klaviyo that allows you to only login to one account at a time in the one browser. 

I know you can clone some things (but not all) and that it’s more of a security feature. But for people that manage multiple client accounts trying to implement the same settings and features across different accounts is a time-consuming process. I know other providers use sub-domains to help with this, it’d be a lot easier if we could do something like that IMO.


5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +61

Hi @DanP,

Thanks for this suggestion.

To help implement uniform settings across multiple accounts, I recommend using the same email address across these accounts. That way, you can easily toggle between the accounts using the same browser. Sure you can’t have multiple tabs open with multiple accounts but you can easily switch between them in a single tab. Here’s an example of what that looks like in the Klaviyo dashboard for a user with access to three accounts - with the main one up top and other two accounts located under “Recent accounts”:


In terms of transferring features between accounts, using the same multi-account log-in feature, you can also copy your flows and/or email templates from one account to another. You can read more about that here.

I hope that helps!


Userlevel 5
Badge +12

I think that was not the case, for example I have Preference pages configured in one account and I want to do similar setup on other account the easiest way would be to have both accounts open in two separate browser tabs and copy paste between them the text etc. but that is impossible because every time Klaviyo is refreshed its change the account to the last one edited. 

Is there any way to resolve that?

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@Dov yeah I’m aware of the duplicate options and all my accounts are under the same email so I can switch between both in the bottom menu. But as @Jakub suggested, when we’ve got certain settings, options, copy or brand elements that aren’t abled to be cloned in two different accounts we can’t see both at the same time. For instance, I have a client that has 3 separate Klaviyos because they have 3 separate shopify accounts in different markets - I can’t even compare reporting snapshots between markets without exporting and analysing it elsewhere because I can’t see universal things in the same window. I’ve even tried a private browser and it still kicks me out of the account I’m in. 

It seems like a feature that was overlooked or someone from the security team thought it would be a good idea but the UX is frustrating as hell. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +61

Hi @Jakub & @DanP,

Thank you both for sharing this feedback.

I really appreciate this being surfaced - we’re always looking to make our product as convenient as possible for our users. If I understand the ask correctly - you’re looking for cross-account reporting i.e. here’s a dashboard containing the revenue figures for account A,B & C (for a user who has access to all 3 accounts). If that’s correct, I’ll file a feature request on your behalf, also open to any additional suggestions on this topic.

Thanks for being community members.

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

Hi @Jakub & @DanP,

Thank you both for sharing this feedback.

I really appreciate this being surfaced - we’re always looking to make our product as convenient as possible for our users. If I understand the ask correctly - you’re looking for cross-account reporting i.e. here’s a dashboard containing the revenue figures for account A,B & C (for a user who has access to all 3 accounts). If that’s correct, I’ll file a feature request on your behalf, also open to any additional suggestions on this topic.

Thanks for being community members.

Thanks @Dov not only for reporting but also for other section that cannot be clone to other accounts like preference pages example.
