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Missing Placed Order breakdown for campaigns

It seems that at some point over the last week, the Placed Order breakdowns you could get when clicking the number of recipients who converted from a campaign or flow email have gone away. It used to be a list of profiles where you could expand each to see information on what they ordered, their cart total, and which coupons they used, now, all it shows is a list of profiles who converted, and if I’d like to get this information, I have to click into every single profile individually and check their activity log. Is this information now displayed in an efficient manner somewhere else? It was quite useful to spot check what customers were ordering as a result of an email, and it’s very frustrating that this info seems to have disappeared into the ether with no warning.

2 replies

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Hi @ms.olga! This information is still available by navigating to the Metrics tab, select Placed Order, then at the top filter by attributed message. :)



I have the same issue… I noticed that I can no longer easily see the Placed Order breakdowns from the campaigns that I have sent.

Does anyone know why this has dissappeared? As it was really useful.

I also could not work out the above solution… sorry if I am not understanding something simple!

Thank you :)
