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New Total Subscriber Growth Report in Klaviyo

  • 26 April 2024
  • 6 replies

New feature in Klaviyo! Finally! I’ve been waiting for a tool like this for a while to help my clients understand overall subscriber growth. Thanks Klaviyo team for creating this. 

Just head over to


Glad you love it, @ryan-salesflow😁 

is it possible to get this data via API?

@santiagosanti I’m not sure, but maybe @kaila.lawrence knows!

@Brian Turcotte can help with this question!

@ryan-salesflow thanks for your excitement for this feature! We’ll have more strategies and insights revolving this feature later this month! Keep your eyes peeled, would love to hear your thoughts 👀


If you have any more experiences or strategies to share with our broader Community, feel free to take advantage of our Show and Tell section of our space as well! 



Hi @santiagosanti!

While it’s not available via API as of now, I will forward this to our product team for consideration in future releases!

- Brian
